Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
And of course: benvinguts, bienvenidos, welkom, benvenuti, etc.
The below is no longer very updated (to say the least), but something new is coming your way. It is my intention to add a new feature to my site: a collection of recordings, allowing you to hear what certain languages sound like. They will all be recorded from the radio (if possible from countries, where the relative languages are actually spoken), so the quality may be less than what you would expect from your local radio-station... |
This is to be my new Free Radio Home, where you can find news about forthcoming transmissions by Free (Pirate) radio-stations. The old news has also been saved, I am not entirely sure why, but then I guess it is because I have always found it hard to throw away things that once were useful. And who knows, maybe some day you may want to know what Radio San Marino International was, and you'll know where to look for it.
This page is far from complete (I have a full-time job, a family and lots of other activities, so it is virtually impossible to check the radio bands all the time), so if you should have any addition to make, please send me an email or -if you are a pirate radio station, please put me on your mailing list for updates of your transmission schedules. Any other comments are of course also welcome.
Moreover this page is dedicated mostly to European pirates. This is not my personal decision, but is due to the fact that where I live it is very hard to receive pirates from across the Atlantic, due to the very high level of homemade interference. So, with the risk of repeating myself too much, if you should know of any American projects (whether from the USA, Canada or Latin America), just let me know.
To write me, just hit the bottle...
...you know what I mean!
Now I guess it's about time I allow you to browse the Free Radio Information, so I suggest you just click away:
or just go on to any of the other pages of my site.
This page was created on February 22, 1998. Since its
creation this page has had hits.