On Sunday March 22, 1998 the Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) and European Music Radio will have a joint broadcasts. Further details will after this weekend be available at FRSH's updated site, AND of course on this page!
Meanwhile I have now received further details from the FRSH about this transmission: It will start late in the evening of Saturday March 21 and will last till late in the evening of Sunday March 22. The frequency will probably be 6275 kHz.
(Source: emails from Free Radio Service Holland)
European Music Radio (EMR) returns to the air next Sunday 22nd Feb on 6275kHz 48m/b.
The line up will be:
(Source: AW - RFLSW, via the Kiwi Radio Weekly)
After a few setbacks European Music Radio will return to the European SW airwaves on Sunday October 5th. The station will be on air 24 hours on either 48 metres or 51 metres (5805). The exact frequency will be announced next week. What you will hear is the station's 20th birthday programming.
E.M.R. started in May 1977 and was Europe's most popular SW station till 1980 when the station was raided. E.M.R. continued with 5th Sun transmissions (via sister-station FRS-Holland) till June 1983 when station-OP Barry Stephens decided to quit.
The October programs will be partly repeat of programs already aired via Ozone Radio in April of this year. However, some fresh programs have also been recorded. The April broadcast was not a big success for several reasons. Barry Stephens hopes the upcoming broadcast will be heard by more listeners. Conditions will be better than in April giving a tronger signal.
Programs will commence Saturday October 4th in the early evening hours lasting till the Sunday evening October 5th. Programming will be in Dutch, French & English hosted by Jean-Claude Georges, Barry Stephens & Peter Verbruggen.
In future a German Service will be added. In November E.M.R. will commence trms via its own 100W transmitter on a frequency within the 41 meter band. Expect at least one test in the upcoming weeks, frequency could be 7345 kHz!! This frequency is used by Radio Prague but not for the whole Sunday morning.
Last year's November tests were very successful. E.M.R. produced a super-signal on 41 metres.
The return of E.M.R. is a postive development as there aren't that many serious programming stations nowadays. E.M.R. will be a station with an International flavour putting out a mix of oldies, European hit music & radio news. A complete set of new jingles has been produced (in 4 languages).
Programs won't be taking place every month, according to Barry Stephens most programs will be aired in the October-May period when conditions are better/more reliable than the rest of the year.
A fantastic info-package is waiting for you including a large colour QSL, large sticker and an info-sheet. Sticker and QSL contain the well-known E.M.R. logo in red & blue.
It is to be hoped that listeners will respond in large numbers showing they are seriously willing to listen to stations such as E.M.R. Please enclose two IRC's/ two US dollars and write to: POBox 2727, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands. Make sure you tune in October 5th....E.M.R. is back on SW!!
(communiquée from the EMR crew, via the KIWI Radio Weekly)
Sofar no details have as yet come in concerning frequencies and times.
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